Reporting for grant holders

Grant holders are required to provide information on their project within one month of the project ending. Failure to send us a report could jeopardise your chances of getting more funding from us in the future. 

End of grant report

Please submit your End  of Grant report using the online form link below. 

You can use the downloadable Word from located in the link below to prepare your answers, as the web form does not save your progress, or if you cannot use the web form.

Community Grant Final Report 


Supporting information

We do not expect you to spend unreasonable amounts of time gathering information for your final report. We recognise that it is not always practical or appropriate to collect a lot of information about your project’s participants/beneficiaries.

Key things you might want to gather as you go are: 

  • The number of people benefitting from your project. Exact numbers are great but estimates are fine if exact isn't practical.

  • Evidence showing how people are benefitting, e.g. quotations from participants, changes in their behaviours, etc. 

  • As is appropriate for your project, diversity monitoring data relating to any of the following characteristic groups: age; caring responsibilities; disability; ethnicity or ethnic background; trans history; sex; gender identification; pregnancy, maternity and adoption, sexuality; higher education qualifications. We don’t need numbers; we just ask which groups were represented among your project’s beneficiaries/participants, where it’s been practical and reasonable to determine this. 

  • Consents for the University to use publicly any films, images or other outputs which identify people.

  • A list of what you spend money on. We do not need proof of expenditure, nor do we need you to list every bus ticket. We just need to understand how the funding has been spent.

What we do with your final report 

Some of the information you provide in your report may be used in public communications by the University, unless you clearly indicate in your report that this information cannot be made public. 

All the data you provide is read by the Community Team and used to evaluate what benefits the scheme is delivering for local people. We also use it to identify what and where the local need is that the University could possibly assist with. Your data may ultimately influence University strategy. Your feedback in your final report helps us to improve the scheme and will not jeopardise your future applications to us. What we learn about your organisation’s activities from your report means we may be able to connect you with University staff or students in future.  


If you have trouble completing the final report form online, you can download the Word copy of the form and email the completed form to  

If you do not have access to email, you can post your final report to: Community Engagement Team, Department for Social Responsibility & Sustainability, The University of Edinburgh, The Boilerhouse, High School Yards, Edinburgh EH1 1LT.  

If you require the final reporting form in an alternative format, please email or call 0131 651 5000, or ask a friend or family member to do so for you. We can send you a printed copy of the form by post on request. If you need any help completing the form, we are happy to try and help – just contact us.