If you are involved with managing or leading any sort of community engagement activity, you will need to proactively manage risk in a way that is relevant and proportionate to your activity Risk is an enormous topic. Depending on where you work or study in the University, you may already be very familiar with health and safety risk assessments. Depending on your role, you may also be familiar with identifying other types of risk, such as financial, reputational, legal, environmental, heritage or wellbeing. Widening Participation risk assessment template, which may be also useful in other settings University Health and Safety risk assessment templates SCVO guidance on risk assessment and management (including SWOT and PEST analyses) University risk management information (this includes a includes risk register template) University guidance on Data Protection Impact Assessments In additional to formal assessments, if you’re working with members of the public, it’s likely you will need to be flexible and dynamic in your management of risk – especially in the early stages of a project. This article was published on 2024-07-22