Terms and Conditions

Here are the Terms and Conditions for the University of Edinburgh Community Grant Scheme. 

Quick summary 

This section is a summary of the legal text below. Please read both. 

1. If you need to spend your grant money differently from how you said you would in your application, contact us on local@ed.ac.uk or 0131 651 5000. 

2. If you think your project will be delayed, contact us on local@ed.ac.uk or 0131 651 5000. 

3. Do not accept funding from us for items someone else is already paying for. 

4. Do not spend money associated with the project until your have received your funding from us.

5. If you really cannot spend all your money, you will need to return any remaining money to us. You will need to tell us what items you’ve spent money on in your final report. We do not need receipts. 

6. You need to send us your final report within one month of your project ending. We won’t fund any more applications from your organisation if we haven’t received reports that are due. You need to fill in our reporting form

7. We may share what you tell us in your report publicly unless you tell us otherwise. You should only tell us not to share publicly if you have a genuine reason for doing so. 

8. We will probably want to visit your project to take photos and chat to you so we can do a communications story on your project. We expect you to be okay with this unless there is a reason it’s inappropriate (e.g. sensitive subject matter). 

9. We need written consent for the University to share any photos, films or other outputs from your project which identify people. Please make sure you are including the University’s use when requesting consents for your own purposes. If you haven't got this consent, make it clear when you send any images to us. 

10. You need to acknowledge the University when communicating about your project. We will give you logos and wording. 

11. You need to have appropriate practices to ensure everyone involved with your project is looked after. 

12. Your project should not damage nature or buildings. 

13. Everything you do on the project should be legal, including things like data protection. 

14. Nothing you do on the project should violate the University’s Dignity and Respect policy. 

15. If someone else owns the place where you’re doing your project, you need their permission. 

16. For successful applications, we will keep your forms, including your name and contact details, and any project outputs you send us, indefinitely, unless you ask us otherwise. We will, though, delete your signature and bank details from the forms you’ve sent us after five years. 


Legal text 

By accepting funding from the Community Grant Scheme, administered by The University of Edinburgh, (“the University”), you will be consenting to the following terms and conditions: 

1. Your Edinburgh Local Community Grant funding, (“the Grant”) must be spent in the manner outlined in your application, by the organisation which submitted the application. If circumstances mean you are likely to deviate from this, you must contact us immediately (local@ed.ac.uk). The University must consent to any significant variation of the proposed project and/or budget. Where such consent has not been given the University reserves the right to withdraw, adjust or request the return of the Grant. Grants cannot usually be transferred from one organisation to another. 

2. If it looks like your project may encounter delays, you must contact the Community team (local@ed.ac.uk) immediately. Again, the University reserves the right to withdraw, adjust or require the return of the Grant. 

3. Funding cannot be ‘double-counted’: your project may be funded from more than one source, but you must not (for example) claim for the same item from two different sources. 

4. Your project cannot start before payment is received by your organisation; you should not spend against the Grant before then. 

5. Any unspent money must be returned to the University of Edinburgh within one month of your project ending. A full breakdown of your spending must be provided in your final report.  

6. You will send us a final report on your project, using the provided template, within one month of your project ending. Failure to meet this deadline may jeopardise your chances of receiving future Community Grant funding from the University. 

7. The University shall be entitled to publicly disseminate all or part of your final report. We may, at our discretion, publicly refer to you/your organisation, as a recipient of the Grant, and to the general nature of your project, on any University website(s) and/or other communications channels. We will not mention specific project details without your consent, which you will not unreasonably withhold. 

8. The University may request to visit you and your project, to receive an update on the project and create media to support our communications about your project, as well as the Grants scheme more generally. We appreciate there may sometimes be good reasons why such visits are not possible but, otherwise, we would expect you to accommodate such visits. 

9. Where you share with us photographs or other media associated with your project, the University will not identify individuals in such photographs, or share their likeness through photographs or video, without their prior written consent (and that of the parent or guardian of a vulnerable person). It would be very helpful if you could include use by the University when seeking permissions for your own purposes. The University will not publish any photos without appropriate permissions being secured. Where they cannot be published, these media are still useful for internal evaluation purposes. 

10. You must acknowledge the University’s support in any materials published for your project and in the accounts and annual report of your organisation. A template for acknowledging the University’s support will be provided. 

11. Your project will take all customary and appropriate steps to look after the safety and wellbeing of all the people involved. Where appropriate and necessary, PVGs must be in place for individuals coming into contact with vulnerable groups (for example, where volunteers are working alone with vulnerable individuals). PVG accreditation must be supported by practical plans and policies for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable and other people. 

12. Your project should not damage the natural and built environment and heritage, where applicable. 

13. Your project must be fully compliant with relevant laws, including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), health and safety, planning, and pollution laws, as applicable. 

14. Your project must not contravene the University of Edinburgh’s Dignity and Respect policy. 

15. Unless you own the site/land where your project takes place, you must have permission from the owner to undertake your project there. 

16. We will retain a copy of your signature and your bank account details as provided in your forms for up to five years. We will retain any other personally sensitive data provided (e.g. your name, your contact details, images) indefinitely, unless you ask us to delete them.