What we've done in year two

Progress we've made in the second year since publishing the Community Plan, from the period December 2021 - December 2022.

In November 2020, the University reaffirmed its commitment to the city through the creation of new Community Plan 2020-25. The plan outlines how we plan to bring about positive social impact and act responsibly and collaboratively with communities in our local region.  


The Plan has 32 commitments that fall into five broad themes:

- Support Social Impact

- Share Knowledge and Experience

- Build Close Connections

- Provide Services to our Communities 

- Open our Estate


With two years of progress underway, we wanted to share a summary of what the University's staff and students have been working on over the last year. 

Read our case studies and scroll down to  find out more!


Graphic showing progress against community plan commitments.


When it comes to community planning, including local residents to steer development is key. Working together with local communities to support positive social impact is central to Community Plan Commitment 7, and The Our Edinburgh Neighbourhood project was an excellent example of this.

Talbot Rice Gallery is the public art gallery of the University of Edinburgh. An outstanding centre for art and ideas, the Gallery presents original and relevant exhibitions that are often linked to University collections and created in partnership with local communities, central to Community Plan Commitment 12.

The University of Edinburgh’s role as a University of Sanctuary is more important than ever as we work with members of the local community who have had to flee conflict and persecution in their countries of origin. This offer of support is central to Community Plan Commitment 23.

We are committed to promoting good health and wellbeing for all; expanding our sports and exercise offer to the local community is critical to achieving that vision. In delivering Community Plan Commitment 24, University of Edinburgh Sport & Exercise has made strides in improving the University’s provision of services for community sports groups and members of our local communities.

We want the green spaces on our estate and in our community to be biodiverse not only for the species that call them home, but for the benefit of humans too. Staff and students have had the opportunity to work with the local Edinburgh community to enhance access to green spaces, a core aim of Community Plan Commitment 32.