What we did in year three

Progress all of us have made in the third year since publishing the Community Plan, from the period November 2022 until October 2023.


Gemma Gourlay, Head of Social Impact at the University of Edinburgh, shows some of the amazing work that’s happened this year in this video. Three minutes, 27 seconds.

Read the report

Scroll down to explore the five themes of our report as webpages, or download the PDF version.


Half-way - 32 commitments: 19 great progress, 12 getting there, 1 needs a boost in 2024. 7 should see a major change in 2024.
We’re half-way through our Community Plan…\nhow are we doing? 32 commitments: 19 great progress, 12 getting there, 1 needs a boost in 2024. 7 should see a major change in 2024.

Progress on the Scottish Government Social Impact Pledge, Social Investments, and how the Community Grant Scheme is making a positive impact.

Two-way flows of knowledge between schools & communities and experts at the University of Edinburgh have been flourishing in 2023.

In 2023, the University has emerged with a renewed commitment to getting out and about, working in collaboration with communities across the city.

Young people bring a wealth of talent, creativity and enthusiasm to the university environment and we want to make sure that local young people can benefit from University resources and opportunities.

Local communities are benefitting from the University’s civic approach to its buildings, old and new.

Progress we made in since publishing the Community Plan.