Calling all Biology teachers: Supercytes are fun

A free class for Biology teachers will equip them with a pack to teach immunology in a fun way.

Teachers playing the Supercytes card game in last year's CPD workshop
Teachers playing the Supercytes card game in last year's CPD workshop

“Supercytes – The Immune Cell Standoff" is a new resource for schools

Developed by medical researchers at the University’s MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, this is a game-based educational pack designed to introduce immunology and inflammation in a lively and entertaining way.

The resource pack includes:

  • an easy and enjoyable card game
  • a series of cartoons featuring cell immune characters
  • a dedicated interactive website
  • fun quizzes
  • competitions
  • a teaching presentation and lesson plan integrated into the Curriculum for Excellence. 


The resource pack is free to secondary school science teachers and Primary 6/7 teachers in the Edinburgh and Lothians area, by application to, and to teachers from any area who attend one of our Supercytes training events.

Free CPD event

We are offering a free Teacher Training event to introduce you to this resource, as part of the MRC Festival of Medical Research. It will take place on Wednesday 20 June from 16:30-18:00 hrs at:

Mary Kinross Room, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research,

Queen's Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh,

47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ.


To register for your free place, please e-mail Amy Tyndall at with your name, the name and address of the school you work at, and the age group and topic that you teach.

This event is open to teachers of P6/7 classes and teachers of science in secondary schools.  Please note that places are strictly limited to one teacher per school and allocated on a first come first served basis.

A £10 contribution to travel costs can be made available for attenders.


Feedback from pilot session

The CPD session was trialled last year and received excellent feedback with 100% of those attending saying they would definitely use the free Supercytes education pack.

The group rated the quality of the workshop at 6.7 out of 7 and offered comments such as:

Very well produced with the learner in mind.

There were multi-level approaches and accessibility for students of various literacy and numeracy levels.

Fun but at the same time educational. Hits numeracy buttons as well.

Find out more

For further information check out the website at or email Amy Tyndall at