Otter spotting in Edinburgh

This January, a friendly otter was spotted by a member of our Community Team.


A friendly local otter

These water loving creatures don't always share the same neighbourhood as humans, but one otter has moved in to the heart of the city. Dunsapie Loch has become its home and hunting ground, probably due to the quieter road around Arthur's Seat.

Normally shy, and mostly active at night, Otters in Scotland were pushed close to extinction in the mid 1900s but numbers have been growing. The young one's holt, the burrow or hole where they sleep, rest and breed, is nearby and the animal can often be seen at dawn and dusk commuting to and from the water.

The Historic Environment Scotland Rangers, who look after Holyrood Park and ensure the safety of flora and fauna in the area, are excited to host this new resident, but ask that visitors respect this wild creature whilst enjoying its company.