Free online course about your pet

Pet owners can better understand their cats and dogs by taking a new course devised by world-leading experts.

The University of Edinburgh is offering a free online course – called ‘The Truth about Cats and Dogs’ – for cat and dog owners. The course has been designed by a team of animal welfare experts to teach participants about pet needs and behaviours.

The Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, has been developed at our Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Understanding pets

The course provides insights into pet senses and their understanding of the world and is based on the latest scientific findings.

Among the experts taking part is Heather Bacon, who was named 2016 Ceva Chris Laurence Vet of the Year for her commitment to animal health and welfare.

There is so much information available online about how best to look after your pet, which can be overwhelming. Our scientific understanding of cats and dogs has moved on in leaps and bounds, but recent research has highlighted gaps in what pet owners know about their animals. This course aims to develop a greater understanding of our cats and dogs by exploring how they perceive the world. Pet owners will gain a greater insight into their pets’ needs and how to provide for them.

Would you like to learn more about your pet? The online course is free and available via Coursera. 

Enrol in The Truth about Cats and Dogs on Coursera