The Local and the Global

The Business School recently hosted a multi-cultural 'Human Library' event.

Students and staff could 'borrow' local and international 'human books', who shared experiences of being unemployed, overweight, and of different national identities, among other perspectives.

Part of a mini-festival on 'Internationalisation at Home', the event was designed to foster an international experience without even boarding a plane. 

Attendees had the opportunity to 'borrow' (speak to) 'human books' (participants) from a wide variety of backgrounds, speak freely with them and learn from real-life interactions. The attendees/borrowers got to engage with individuals from cultures different to their own, in a new, boundary-breaking, way. Meaningful and frank discussions took place, and a world of stories were shared and reflected upon.

A similar event will take place at the Business School in early October, for further details please contact